Understanding TSC Circular No 24 2017 And PDF Download

TSC Circular No 24 2017
TSC Circular No 24 2017

Unlocking TSC Circular No. 24/2017: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Declaration

Since the enactment of the law in 2003, Public Officers have been required to manually declare their Income, Assets, and Liabilities (LAL).

However, the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) is ushering in a new era with the introduction of an online declaration portal for the 2015-2017 period, as outlined in Circular No. 24/2017.

I. Streamlining the Declaration Process

To boost efficiency, the Commission has adopted an online platform for wealth, income and liabilities declaration.

 All teachers are mandated to complete the online Declaration by December 31, 2017.

The Wealth Declaration Instruction Manual provides a step-by-step guide that educators should follow for a seamless process.

II. Accessing the Online Portal

Accessing and submitting the Declaration Form is a straightforward process.

Teachers can utilize the Teachers Online Portal at www.teachersonline.go.ke.

Notably, the portal is accessible via smartphones, ensuring convenience for all educators.

III. Navigating the Instruction Manual

To facilitate the declaration process, an Instruction Manual is available on the TSC website (www.tsc.go.ke) under downloads, positioned next to the Declaration link.

Alternatively, teachers can complete the declaration by following the prompts within the form after logging in.

IV. Declaration Monitoring

Heads of Institutions play a pivotal role in monitoring the declaration progress within their respective domains.

The Wealth Declaration Instruction Manual, Part B, outlines the steps for reporting non-compliance.

Institutions are required to submit reports before the deadline elapses.

V. Crucial Additional Information for Teachers

(a) Inclusivity

All TSC-employed teachers must declare their Income, Assets, and Liabilities, regardless of their leave status (e.g., any leave, interdiction, suspension, or sick leave).

(b) Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to submit a declaration or providing false information may result in a fine of Kshs 1,000,000 or imprisonment for up to one year, or both, upon conviction.

(c) Email Requirement

A mandatory prerequisite is for all teachers to have a functioning email address.

This email is crucial for setting, accessing, and resetting individual passwords for the Declaration. Moreover, a copy of the submitted Declaration will automatically be sent to the provided email address.

(d) Completion of Declaration Forms

It is imperative that teachers fill out all sections of the declaration form. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Ensuring Dissemination and Compliance

TSC County Directors and Sub County Directors are tasked with disseminating Circular No. 24/2017 to all Heads of Institutions, who, in turn, are responsible for notifying teachers under their supervision.

It is imperative that educators embrace the digital shift and promptly complete their declarations to avoid system slowdowns.

Conclusion: Proactive Declaration for a Transparent Future

Teachers are urged to approach the declaration process proactively and not wait until the deadline.

By doing so, they contribute to a transparent system that ensures compliance and upholds the integrity of the declaration process.

Attached to this comprehensive guide are the guidelines for Declarations, providing additional assistance to teachers navigating this digital transformation.

Embrace the change, declare transparently, and pave the way for a more accountable future.

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