Primary Teacher I Salary And Allowances [Updated TSC Salary Scale]

primary teacher I salary and allowances
primary teacher I salary and allowances

Primary TSC GRADE C1 – T SCALE 6 [salary, allowances, Requirements For Appointment and Responsibilities]

Are you considering a career as a primary school teacher in Kenya or are you already a teacher looking for updated information on your salary scale and allowances?

This blog post is here to provide you with all the details you need about the salary, allowances, requirements for appointment, and responsibilities of a Primary Teacher I under the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Grade C1 – T Scale 6.

Understanding your salary scale and allowances is crucial for planning your finances and career growth.

Additionally, knowing the requirements for appointment and responsibilities associated with your position can help you excel in your role and advance in your career as a primary school teacher.

In this blog post, we will delve into the specifics of the salary scale for Primary Teacher I under TSC Grade C1 – T Scale 6, including the various allowances you are entitled to.

We will also outline the requirements for appointment to this position and discuss the key responsibilities that come with being a Primary Teacher I.

Whether you are just starting your journey as a teacher or are already established in your career, this post will serve as a comprehensive guide to understanding and maximizing your earnings and role as a Primary Teacher I in Kenya.

Specifically, we cover the following;

  • Primary Teacher I salary and allowances
  • Requirements for appointment
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • FAQs on Primary Teacher I

Primary Teacher I Salary and allowances

Basic Salary

As a Primary Teacher I under the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Grade C1 – T Scale 6, your salary is determined based on a structured system of salary points.

The basic salary for Primary Teacher I starts at 28,491 Kenyan Shillings at salary point 1 and increases incrementally with each additional point.

At salary point 2, the basic salary rises to 29,797 KES, and it continues to increase up to 35,614 KES at salary point 6.

These salary points correspond to different levels of experience, qualifications, and years of service, reflecting the progression and growth opportunities within the teaching profession.

In addition to the basic salary, Primary Teacher I also receives allowances graded under C1.

These allowances complement the basic salary and contribute to the overall compensation package.

Understanding the breakdown of allowances along with the basic salary is essential for teachers to accurately assess their total earnings and plan their financial management effectively.


House Allowance

As a Primary Teacher I under TSC Grade C1 – T Scale 6, your house allowance is determined by the cluster in which your duty station falls.

For teachers in Nairobi City, you are entitled to a house allowance of Ksh. 10,000.

In Cluster 2, which includes Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru Cities, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii, Malindi, and Kitale Municipalities, the house allowance is Ksh. 7,500.

Teachers in Cluster 3, comprising other former municipalities, receive a house allowance of Ksh. 5,800. Lastly, for those in Cluster 4, covering all other areas not included in the previous clusters, the house allowance is Ksh. 5,000.

These house allowances are designed to help teachers afford suitable accommodation in their respective duty stations.

It’s important to note that the cost of living varies across these clusters, and the house allowance reflects these differences.

Additionally, these allowances are subject to review by the Teachers Service Commission, and any changes will be communicated accordingly.

S/noGradeTSC ScaleCLUSTER 1     Nairobi CityCLUSTER 2   Mombasa,                Kisumu, Nakuru Cities, Nyeri, Eldoret,Thika, Kisii, Malindi and Kitale  MunicipalitiesCLUSTER 3   Other Former MunicipalitiesCLUSTER  4   All                Other Areas  

Hardship Allowance, Commuter Allowance, Annual Leave Allowance And Disability Guide Allowance

As a Primary Teacher I under TSC Grade C1 – T Scale 6, you are entitled to several allowances that complement your salary.

The hardship allowance, amounting to Ksh 8,200, is designed to compensate for the challenging living conditions often faced by teachers working in remote or difficult-to-reach areas.

Additionally, you can benefit from a commuter allowance of Ksh 4,000, which helps cover the cost of transportation to and from work.

These allowances are essential in recognizing and mitigating the extra costs and challenges associated with your teaching location.

Furthermore, as a Primary Teacher I, you are eligible for an annual leave allowance of Ksh 4,000.

This allowance is meant to provide financial support during your annual leave, allowing you to relax and rejuvenate before returning to work.

Additionally, the disability guide allowance of Ksh 20,000 is available to support teachers with disabilities.

This allowance is crucial in ensuring that teachers with disabilities have access to the necessary resources and support to carry out their duties effectively.

SnoGradeTsc ScaleHardship AllowanceCommuter AllowanceAnnual Leave  Allowance Disability Guide  Allowance

Requirements For Appointment

This is a promotional grade for primary school teachers.  

To qualify for promotion to the grade of Primary Teacher I, a teacher must:- 

  1. have served as Primary Teacher II T-Scale 5 for  a minimum period of three (3) years; 
  2. have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process; 
  3. have successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules; 
  4. have a valid Teaching Certificate;  
  1. have demonstrated mastery of classroom management; 
  2. meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution; and 
  3. any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary. 

Roles and Responsibilities

The duties of a teacher at this level shall be to:- 

  1. prepare lesson plans, lesson notes, timetables, schemes of work and maintain academic standards in the school to ensure that the syllabus is covered in time for evaluation; 
  2. teach the subjects of specialization and impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to learner; 
  3. evaluate the learners in subjects of specialisation and prepare learners for national and other examination; 
  4. introduce new ideas and programmes for improvement in teaching and
  5. learning in subjects of specialisation; 
  6. ensure safety and health of learners;
  7. ensure cleanliness of the school compound and tidiness of learners; 
  8. ensure consistency and improvement in curriculum delivery through teamwork and collaborative planning; 
  9. serve as a role model and maintain learner discipline to create a conducive environment for learning; 
  10. provide guidance and counselling services to learners to instill norms and values for harmonious co-existence; 
  11. participate in workshops/seminars/symposiums to share ideas, and enhance knowledge in subject areas; 
  12. engage learners in curricular and co-curricular activities so as to identify, nurture and develop talents; and
  13. organize remedial actions for learners with performance gaps.


In conclusion, understanding the salary structure and allowances for Primary Teacher I under TSC Grade C1 – T Scale 6 is essential for teachers to make informed decisions about their careers and finances.

The breakdown of basic salary, allowances, and house allowance provides a comprehensive picture of the compensation package available to teachers in this grade.

Additionally, knowing the requirements for appointment and the roles and responsibilities associated with the position can help teachers prepare for career advancement and excel in their roles.

It’s important for teachers to stay informed about any updates or changes to the salary scale and allowances, as these can impact their overall earnings.

By staying informed and understanding their entitlements, teachers can effectively plan their finances and make the most of their careers in the teaching profession.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Primary Teacher I Salary and Allowances

1. What is the basic salary for a Primary Teacher I?

The basic salary for a Primary Teacher I starts at Ksh 28,491 at salary point 1 and increases incrementally with each additional point.

It reaches up to Ksh 35,614 at salary point 6. These points correspond to different levels of experience, qualifications, and years of service.

2. What allowances are Primary Teacher I entitled to?

Primary Teacher I under TSC Grade C1 – T Scale 6 is entitled to several allowances, including hardship allowance (Ksh 8,200), commuter allowance (Ksh 4,000), annual leave allowance (Ksh 4,000), and disability guide allowance (Ksh 20,000).

3. How is the house allowance determined for Primary Teacher I?

The house allowance for Primary Teacher I is determined by the cluster in which their duty station falls.

For example, teachers in Nairobi City receive Ksh 10,000, while those in Cluster 2, which includes Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru Cities, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii, Malindi, and Kitale Municipalities, receive Ksh 7,500.

4. What are the requirements for appointment to the grade of Primary Teacher I?

To qualify for promotion to the grade of Primary Teacher I, a teacher must have served as Primary Teacher II T-Scale 5 for a minimum period of three (3) years, have a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process, have successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules, have a valid Teaching Certificate, demonstrate mastery of classroom management, meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution, and meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.

5. What are the roles and responsibilities of a Primary Teacher I?

The duties of a Primary Teacher I include preparing lesson plans, teaching subjects of specialization, evaluating learners, introducing new ideas for improvement in teaching and learning, ensuring safety and health of learners, maintaining cleanliness of the school compound, ensuring consistency and improvement in curriculum delivery, serving as a role model and maintaining learner discipline, providing guidance and counselling services to learners, participating in workshops/seminars/symposiums, engaging learners in curricular and co-curricular activities, and organizing remedial actions for learners with performance gaps.

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