The Three Pathways In CBC Curriculum: What To Know

The Three Pathways In CBC Curriculum
The Three Pathways In CBC Curriculum

All You Need To Know About Career Pathways in CBC

In the dynamic landscape of education, the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya has emerged as a transformative approach, designed to cater to the diverse talents and interests of learners.

As students progress to senior school, they encounter three distinct pathways within the CBC curriculum, each paving the way for a unique educational and career journey.

 Let’s delve into the intricacies of these pathways and explore the subjects that shape the educational landscape.

1. Arts and Sports Science Pathway: Cultivating Creativity and Physical Prowess

The Arts Department:

  • Core Subjects (4):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
    • Legal and Ethical Issues in Arts
    • Communication Skills
  • Electives (1):
    • Performing Arts
    • Music
    • Dance
    • Theatre and Elocution
    • Visual and Applied Arts
    • Fine Art
    • Applied Art
    • Time-Based Media
    • Crafts

Sports Science Department:

  • Core Subjects (4):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
    • Human Physiology, Anatomy, and Nutrition
    • Sports Ethics
  • Electives (1-2):
    • Ball Games
    • Athletics
    • Indoor Games
    • Gymnastics
    • Water Sports
    • Boxing
    • Martial Arts
    • Outdoor Pursuits
    • Advanced Physical Education

2. Social Sciences Pathway: Unraveling the Tapestry of Humanity

Humanities Department:

  • Core Subjects (2):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
  • Electives (3-5):
    • History and Citizenship
    • Geography
    • Christian Religious Education
    • Islamic Religious Education
    • Hindu Religious Education
    • Business Studies
    • Mathematics

Languages Department:

  • Core Subjects (2):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
  • Elective (1):
    • English Language
    • Literature in English
    • Lugha ya Kiswahili
    • Fasihi ya Kiswahili
    • Kenyan Sign Language
    • Indigenous Languages
    • Arabic
    • French
    • German
    • Chinese

Business Studies Department:

  • Core Subjects (2):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
  • Electives (1):
    • Business Studies

3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Pathway: Forging the Future Innovators

Pure Sciences Department:

  • Core Subjects (3):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
    • ICT
  • Electives (3):
    • Mathematics
    • Physics
    • Chemistry
    • Biology

Applied Sciences Department:

  • Core Subjects (3):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
    • ICT
  • Electives (1):
    • Agriculture
    • Computer Science
    • Foods and Nutrition
    • Home Management

Technical and Engineering Department:

  • Core Subjects (6):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
    • ICT
    • Mathematics
    • Physics/Physical Sciences
    • Chemistry/Biology/Biological Sciences
  • Electives (1):
    • Agricultural Technology
    • Geosciences Technology
    • Marine and Fisheries Technology
    • Aviation Technology
    • Wood Technology
    • Electrical Technology
    • Metal Technology
    • Power Mechanics
    • Clothing Technology
    • Construction Technology
    • Media Technology
    • Electronics Technology
    • Manufacturing Technology
    • Mechatronics

Career and Technology Studies Department:

  • Core Subjects (3):
    • Community Service Learning
    • Physical Education
    • ICT
    • Mathematics
    • Physics/Physical Sciences
    • Chemistry/Biology/Biological Sciences
  • Electives (1):
    • Fashion and Interior Design
    • Leather Work
    • Culinary Arts
    • Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy
    • Plumbing and Ceramics
    • Welding and Fabrication
    • Tourism and Travel
    • Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
    • Animal Keeping
    • Exterior Design and Landscaping
    • Building Construction
    • Garment and Dressmaking
    • Photography
    • Graphic Designing and Animation
    • Food and Beverage
    • Motor Vehicle Mechanics
    • Carpentry and Joinery
    • Fire Fighting
    • Metalwork
    • Electricity
    • Land Surveying
    • Science Laboratory Technology
    • Electronics
    • Printing Technology
    • Crop Production

Adaptable Life Skills: Tailoring Skills to Specific Learning Areas

It’s important to note that regardless of the chosen pathway, all learners are required to engage in the two core subjects of Community Service Learning and Physical Education.

Moreover, life skills will be seamlessly integrated, adapting to the unique demands of each learning area.


In conclusion, the CBC curriculum’s three pathways offer a rich tapestry of educational experiences, empowering students to chart their course based on their passions and aspirations.

From the vibrant realm of Arts and Sports Science to the thought-provoking landscape of Social Sciences and the cutting-edge world of STEM, the CBC curriculum ensures that every learner finds a pathway that resonates with their individuality and sets the stage for a future full of possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions on CBC Pathways

1. What is the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya?

The CBC is an educational approach designed to cater to the diverse talents and interests of learners by focusing on developing competencies rather than solely on academic achievements.

2. What are the pathways within the CBC curriculum for senior school students?

Senior school students in the CBC curriculum can choose from three pathways: Arts and Sports Science, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

3. What subjects are included in the Arts and Sports Science Pathway?

The Arts and Sports Science Pathway includes core subjects like Community Service Learning, Physical Education, Legal and Ethical Issues in Arts, and Communication Skills. Electives include Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre and Elocution, Visual and Applied Arts, Fine Art, Applied Art, Time-Based Media, Crafts, and more.

4. What subjects are included in the Social Sciences Pathway?

The Social Sciences Pathway includes core subjects like Community Service Learning and Physical Education. Electives include History and Citizenship, Geography, Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, Hindu Religious Education, Business Studies, and Mathematics.

5. What subjects are included in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Pathway?

The STEM Pathway includes core subjects like Community Service Learning, Physical Education, and ICT. Electives include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Computer Science, Foods and Nutrition, and more.

6. Can students switch pathways in the CBC curriculum?

While the CBC curriculum encourages students to choose a pathway that aligns with their interests and aspirations, there may be provisions for students to switch pathways under certain circumstances, subject to approval by the relevant education authorities.

7. How does the CBC curriculum prepare students for future careers?

The CBC curriculum aims to equip students with the necessary competencies, skills, and knowledge to thrive in their future careers by offering a diverse range of subjects and pathways that cater to various fields of study and industries.

8. Are there opportunities for practical learning in the CBC curriculum?

Yes, the CBC curriculum emphasizes practical learning experiences through subjects like Community Service Learning, which allows students to engage with their communities and apply their skills and knowledge in real-world settings.

9. How does the CBC curriculum promote holistic development?

The CBC curriculum promotes holistic development by integrating life skills into the curriculum, ensuring that students develop not only academically but also socially, emotionally, and physically.

10. How can parents and guardians support their children in the CBC curriculum?

Parents and guardians can support their children in the CBC curriculum by encouraging them to explore their interests, actively engage in their learning, and seek guidance from educators and career counselors when making decisions about their educational pathways and future careers.

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