SNE Teachers Promotion From D1(Deputy Headteacher) To D2 (Headteacher)

sne teachers promotion from D1 to D2
sne teachers promotion from D1 to D2

Promotions in the teaching profession are not only a recognition of one’s dedication and hard work but also a significant step in career advancement.

For Special Needs Education (SNE) teachers in Kenya seeking to climb the career ladder from Deputy Headteacher (D1) to Headteacher (D2), the process involves meeting specific criteria set by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

This blog post explores the promotion journey for SNE teachers, highlighting the requirements, benefits, and responsibilities associated with transitioning to the role of a Headteacher.

This article covers the following;

  1. Requirements For Promotion
  2. Responsibilities of a Headteacher
  3. Benefits of Promotion
  4. Tips for Success
  5. FAQs om SNE Headteacher Promotion

Requirements For Promotion

Promotional Grade and Responsibilities:

The promotion to Head Teacher (T-Scale 12) in Special Needs Education (SNE) primary schools signifies a significant advancement in one’s career.

The Head Teacher holds a pivotal role as the lead educator and accounting officer of the school.

Responsibilities include providing leadership in curriculum implementation, overseeing educational policies and programs, developing and implementing school strategies and budgets, and supervising school operations.

Competitive Nature of Promotion:

Promotion to the Head Teacher grade is competitive and depends on the availability of vacancies within the establishment.

Requirements for Appointment:

To qualify for appointment to the Head Teacher grade, a teacher must:

  • Have served as Deputy Head Teacher SNE T-Scale 11 for a minimum of three (3) years.
  • Possess a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) minimum mean grade of C plain or equivalent.
  • Hold a Primary Teacher Certificate (PTE) or its approved equivalent.
  • Possess a diploma in Special Needs Education or its equivalent.
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree in education with an SNE specialization or its equivalent.
  • Have successfully completed the relevant Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules.
  • Have received a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process.
  • Meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.
  • Fulfill any other requirement deemed necessary by the Teachers Service Commission.

Responsibilities of a Headteacher

The responsibilities of the SNE Headteacher include:

  • Developing lesson plans, timetables, schemes of work, and maintaining academic standards to ensure timely syllabus coverage for evaluation.
  • Teaching specialized subjects to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes that meet curriculum objectives.
  • Evaluating learners in specialized subjects to ensure learning objectives are achieved and preparing them for national or other examinations.
  • Introducing new ideas and programs to enhance teaching and learning in specialized areas.
  • Collaborating in planning and teaching to promote teamwork.
  • Preparing and registering special needs learners for examinations.
  • Selecting appropriate curriculum to offer more opportunities to special needs learners in optional subjects.
  • Ensuring safety and security of human and physical resources.
  • Implementing policy decisions related to staff training, recruitment, and deployment in compliance with rules and regulations.
  • Establishing and maintaining linkages between the institution and stakeholders.
  • Conducting staff appraisals.
  • Promoting staff and learner welfare.
  • Managing staff succession and career development.
  • Maintaining and upgrading institutional physical facilities.
  • Ensuring compliance with public procurement law and resource utilization.
  • Managing institutional records.
  • Convening staff, Board of Management, Parents’, and other necessary meetings.
  • Following up on learner absenteeism cases.
  • Performing any other duties as assigned.

Benefits of Promotion

The promotion to Head Teacher (T-Scale 12) in Special Needs Education (SNE) primary schools comes with several benefits, including:

  • Increased Salary

Moving to a higher grade typically means a higher salary, which reflects the increased responsibilities and leadership role of a Head Teacher.

  • Career Advancement

Promotion to Head Teacher signifies a significant step forward in one’s career, providing opportunities for further growth and development.

  • Professional Recognition

Being appointed as a Head Teacher is a recognition of one’s experience, expertise, and leadership qualities within the teaching profession.

  • Enhanced Benefits Package

Along with the salary increase, there may be additional benefits such as improved healthcare, pension contributions, and other perks associated with the new role.

  • Expanded Responsibilities

While this may seem like a challenge, it also provides an opportunity for professional growth and development, as well as the chance to make a broader impact on the education system.

  • Job Security

Higher-ranking positions often come with increased job security, as they are considered more essential to the functioning of the school.

  • Opportunity to Make a Difference

As a Head Teacher, you have the opportunity to shape the direction of the school, implement new programs, and positively impact the lives of students and staff.

  • Personal Satisfaction

The role of a Head Teacher can be incredibly fulfilling, as you see the direct impact of your leadership on the success of the school and its students.

Tips for Success

To succeed in the promotion to Head Teacher (T-Scale 12) in Special Needs Education (SNE) primary schools, consider the following tips:

  • Professional Development

Continue to improve your skills and knowledge through ongoing professional development opportunities.

Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in education.

  • Leadership Skills

Develop strong leadership skills, including effective communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

Be a role model for others.

  • Collaboration

Foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork among staff members.

Seek input from others and work together towards common goals.

  • Effective Time Management

Prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively to ensure that important responsibilities are not overlooked.

  • Adaptability

Be flexible and open to change.

The education landscape is constantly evolving, so be willing to adapt to new policies, technologies, and teaching methods.

  • Relationship Building

Build positive relationships with students, staff, parents, and other stakeholders.

Effective relationships can help create a supportive and conducive learning environment.

  • Strategic Planning

Develop and implement strategic plans to improve the school’s performance and achieve its goals.

  • Emotional Intelligence

Develop your emotional intelligence to understand and manage your emotions and those of others effectively.

  • Seek Feedback

Regularly seek feedback from colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

  • Stay Organized

Keep track of important deadlines, documents, and tasks to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in the promotion to Head Teacher and make a positive impact on your school community.

FAQs On SNE Headteacher Promotion

1. How competitive is the promotion to Head Teacher in SNE primary schools?

Promotion to the Head Teacher grade is competitive and depends on the availability of vacancies within the establishment.

Candidates must meet specific criteria set by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

2. What are the minimum requirements for appointment to the Head Teacher grade?

To qualify for appointment, a teacher must have served as Deputy Head Teacher SNE T-Scale 11 for a minimum of three (3) years, possess a minimum mean grade of C plain in KCSE or equivalent, hold a PTE certificate or its approved equivalent, possess a diploma in Special Needs Education or its equivalent, hold a Bachelor’s degree in education with an SNE specialization or its equivalent, and meet other specified requirements.

3. What are the key responsibilities of a Head Teacher in SNE primary schools?

The responsibilities include providing leadership in curriculum implementation, overseeing educational policies and programs, developing and implementing school strategies and budgets, supervising school operations, ensuring safety and security of human and physical resources, interpreting and implementing policy decisions, promoting linkages with stakeholders, conducting staff appraisals, promoting staff and learner welfare, managing staff succession and career development, maintaining institutional records, convening meetings, and performing any other duties as assigned.

4. What are the benefits of promotion to Head Teacher?

The promotion comes with benefits such as increased salary, career advancement opportunities, professional recognition, enhanced benefits package, expanded responsibilities, job security, the opportunity to make a difference, and personal satisfaction.

5. What tips can help me succeed in the promotion to Head Teacher?

Tips for success include continuing professional development, developing strong leadership skills, fostering collaboration, effective time management, adaptability, building positive relationships, strategic planning, emotional intelligence, seeking feedback, and staying organized.


In conclusion, the promotion journey for Special Needs Education (SNE) teachers from Deputy Headteacher (D1) to Headteacher (D2) is a significant step in their career advancement.

Meeting the specific criteria set by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and fulfilling the responsibilities of a Head Teacher require dedication, continuous professional development, and strong leadership skills.

The benefits of promotion, including increased salary, career advancement opportunities, and the chance to make a difference in students’ lives, make this transition highly rewarding.

By following the tips for success and embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with the role, SNE teachers can excel as Head Teachers and contribute positively to the education sector in Kenya.

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