TSC Online Study Leave Application — How To Apply For TSC Study Leave [Easy Guide]

how to apply for TSC study leave
how to apply for TSC study leave

A Step-by-Step Guide: Applying for TSC Study Leave Made Easy

Are you a teacher looking to enhance your skills through further education?

The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) offers study leave opportunities to educators who wish to pursue additional qualifications.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the seamless process of applying for TSC study leave, ensuring you understand the procedures, obligations, and essential details.

Section 1: Understanding TSC Study Leave

TSC’s Study Leave Policy

TSC grants study leave in accordance with its evolving policies.

To ensure a smooth application process, it’s crucial to stay updated on the current policy guidelines.

How to Access the Portal

To access the TSC online leave application portal, you’ll need the following details:

  • TSC Number
  • ID Number
  • Registered Mobile Number
  • Auth Code

Once you have these details, you can proceed to the login process.

TSC Leave Portal Login

  1. Visit the TSC leave application portal at https://hrmis.tsc.go.ke/tm-app/apply_leave.
  2. Enter your TSC Number, ID Number, and Registered Mobile Number.
  3. Click on the “Login” button.
  4. An authentication code (Auth Code) will be sent to your registered mobile number.
  5. Enter the Auth Code to complete the login process.

After successful login, you will be redirected to the online leave application page.

How to Apply for Study Leave

The application process for study leave is similar to other types of TSC Leave whether it’s maternity leave, paternity leave, annual leave, or any other, is the same.

Follow these steps to submit your leave application:

  1. Login to the Website

Make sure you are logged into the TSC leave application website.

  1. Click on the ‘+’ Sign

On the dashboard, click on the ‘+’ sign to start your application.

  1. Choose the Leave Type

From the dropdown menu, select the type of leave you are applying for.

You can choose from options like Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Paternity Leave, Maternity Leave, Official Duty Leave, Examination Leave, Terminal Leave, and Spouse of Diplomat Leave — In this case you choose study leave.

  1. Select the Dates

Specify the starting and ending dates for your leave.

  1. Enter Remarks

If you have any additional information or requests, you can include them in the “Remarks” section.

  1. Upload Attachments

If you need to attach any relevant documents, click on the “Edit” button and select the attachments icon.

What To Know When Applying for TSC Study Leave

Step 1: Timely Submission

Ensure your application reaches the Commission at least one month before your intended commencement date.

This proactive approach allows for efficient processing.

Step 2: Attach Admission Letter

Submit a comprehensive application that includes your admission letter to the educational institution where you plan to pursue your studies.

This document is essential for verifying the legitimacy of your educational endeavor.

Step 3: Await Approval and Formal Release

Teachers are advised not to proceed on leave until receiving official approval and a formal release from the Commission.

This step ensures a structured and organized study leave process.

Step 4: Compliance During Leave

Once granted, ensure your study leave is utilized for the approved purpose.

Failure to adhere may result in disciplinary action. It’s crucial to maintain focus on your studies and fulfill the academic requirements.

Step 5: Reporting and Evidence Submission

Thirty days before your leave expires, report back for posting and provide evidence of your studies.

This timely reporting ensures a smooth transition back into your teaching responsibilities.

Step 6: Leave Duration Less Than Six Months

For study leaves lasting less than six months, teachers should report back to their stations for duty allocation.

Heads of institutions must promptly inform the Commission of the teacher’s return.

Bonding Obligations

Step 1: Bonding for Different Course Durations

Teachers granted study leave with pay are bonded to work for the Commission based on their course duration:

  • Courses lasting six months to one year: Bonded for one year.
  • Courses lasting less than two years: Bonded for two years.
  • Courses lasting two years or more: Bonded for three years.

Step 2: Consequences of Breaking the Bond

Should a bonded teacher choose to terminate their service, they must pay the total cost of training, along with salaries and allowances received during study leave.

This measure ensures commitment to the agreed-upon bonding period.

Step 3: Self-Sponsored Teachers

Self-sponsored teachers must repay salaries and allowances received during study leave if they choose to terminate their service.

The bonding requirement is exempt for those on unpaid study leave.


Applying for TSC study leave doesn’t have to be a daunting process.

By following these step-by-step guidelines, teachers can navigate the application process seamlessly.

Remember to stay informed about TSC’s policies, submit timely and comprehensive applications, and fulfill bonding obligations to make the most of this educational opportunity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Applying for TSC Study Leave

Q1: What is TSC study leave?

A1: TSC study leave is a provision by the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) that allows teachers to pursue further education to enhance their skills and qualifications.

Q2: How do I access the TSC online leave application portal?

A2: To access the portal, you will need your TSC Number, ID Number, Registered Mobile Number, and an Auth Code.

Q3: How do I apply for study leave?

A3: The application process involves logging into the TSC leave application website, clicking on the ‘+’ sign, selecting “Study Leave” from the dropdown menu, specifying the dates, entering remarks, and uploading any necessary attachments.

Q4: What are the steps to follow when applying for study leave?

A4: The steps include timely submission of your application, attaching your admission letter, awaiting approval and formal release from the Commission, complying with study leave regulations, reporting back and providing evidence of your studies, and adhering to bonding obligations.

Q5: How long am I bonded after taking study leave?

A5: The bonding period varies based on the duration of your course: one year for courses lasting six months to one year, two years for courses less than two years, and three years for courses two years or more.

Q6: What happens if I break the bond?

A6: If you break the bond, you are required to pay the total cost of training, along with salaries and allowances received during study leave.

Q7: Can self-sponsored teachers apply for study leave?

A7: Yes, self-sponsored teachers can apply for study leave but must repay salaries and allowances received during study leave if they choose to terminate their service.

Q8: When should I report back after study leave?

A8: You should report back thirty days before your leave expires to ensure a smooth transition back into your teaching responsibilities.

Q9: Where can I find more information about TSC study leave policies?

A9: You can find more information on the TSC website or contact your TSC county office for assistance.

Q10: What should I do if I have further questions about applying for study leave?

A10: If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to the TSC through their official communication channels or seek guidance from your school’s administration.

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