The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has initiated the release of promotion letters to successful teachers despite facing criticism from various quarters.
The commission has started validating the list published on its website, with part of the letters already being released to various counties.
The Promotion Process
According to the TSC, only teachers whose TSC numbers appear on the published promotion list will receive promotion letters.
The commission published a comprehensive list spanning 724 pages on its website, encompassing the TSC numbers of the 36,505 teachers who were successfully promoted following interviews conducted in December and January 2024.
Criticism from Teachers’ Unions
However, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) have criticized the TSC for not providing full details of the promoted teachers.
The unions raised concerns about the lack of real names against the TSC numbers published, stating that this could lead to inaccuracies and even deceased teachers being included in the merit list.
Document Submission Requirement
All 36,505 successful teachers whose details were published will be required to submit five Chapter six documents as outlined in the Kenyan Constitution on ‘Leadership and Integrity.’
These documents include:
- Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).
- Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).
- Tax Compliance Certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).
- Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).
- Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).
Job Assignments and Promotions
The TSC has indicated that individuals promoted to headteacher and deputy roles may be assigned outside their current sub-counties.
Senior teachers are likely to work in schools within their current sub-counties that have openings, while those promoted through confirmation will work in schools where they have years of experience.
Interview Process
The promotion process began with job openings being posted in September of the previous year, followed by interviews held in December and January.
Primary school teachers participated in interviews from December 4 to December 15, 2023, while interviews for secondary school teachers and Teacher Training College (TTC) teachers took place between January 3 and January 16, 2024.
Despite protests and criticisms, the TSC has commenced the distribution of promotion letters to successful teachers.
The process underscores the commission’s commitment to rewarding excellence and maintaining transparency in the promotion process.
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Mr. Weldon Kosgei, a dedicated educator with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya, brings years of experience and a deep love for education to his role at TSCNewsToday.co.ke. He provides insightful and timely updates on TSC policies, educational trends, and best practices, making his articles valuable resources for educators and administrators. Mr. Kosgei’s commitment to enhancing education shines through in his writing, connecting and inspiring the teaching community across Kenya.