The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has recently published an updated roster of TSC Regional and County Directors.
To view the list of newly appointed and transferred TSC Regionals in each County, click here.
The TSC, with its headquarters situated in Upper Hill, Nairobi, has decentralized some of its functions, entrusting responsibilities to various TSC County directors.
In case you need assistance as a teacher, you may find it helpful to contact the respective TSC County Director.
For your convenience, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all 47 TSC County Directors across the counties, along with their contact information.
1. TSC County Director Nairobi
Nairobi county is maned by the the TSC itself.
Contact: info@tsc.go.ke
Phone no:0722208552/0777208552
2. Baringo County
Name: Willie Weru
Contact: cdirbaringo@tsc.go.ke
3. Bomet County
Name: Beatrice Asyago
Contact: cdirbomet@tsc.go.ke
4. Bungoma County
Name: Jocab Mong’are
Contact: cdirbungoma@tsc.go.ke
5. Busia County
Name: James Gachungi Murithi
Contact: cdirbusia@tsc.go.ke
6. Elgeyo Marakwet County
Name: Joseph Wamocho
Contact: cdirelgeyomarakwet@tsc.go.ke
7. Embu County
Name: Margaret Mwirigi Nguta
Contact: cdirembu@tsc.go.ke
8. Garissa County
Name: Hassan Duale
Contact: cdirgarissa@tsc.go.ke
9. Homa Bay County
Name: Margaret Muandale Sayo
Contact: cdirhomabay@tsc.go.ke
10. Isiolo County
Name: Aileen Kajuju Mungiria
Contact: cdirisiolo@tsc.go.ke
11. Kajiado County
Name: Shama Adan Mohamed
Contact: cdirkajiado@tsc.go.ke
12. Kakamega County
Name: Fredrick Kiiru
Contact: cdirkakamega@tsc.go.ke
13. Kericho county
Name: Fredrick Osewe
Contact: cdirkericho@tsc.go.ke
14. Kiambu County
Name: Abdikadir Ali
Contact: cdirkiambu@tsc.go.ke
15. Kilifi County
Name: Moses Karati
16. Kirinyaga County
Name: Peter Magiri
Contact: cdirkirinyaga@tsc.go.ke
17. Kisii County
Name: William Sugut
Contact: cdirkisii@tsc.go.ke
18. Kisumu County
Name: Sabina Aroni
Contact: cdirkisumu@tsc.go.ke
19. Kitui County
Name: Susan Murerwa
Contact: cdirkitui@tsc.go.ke
20. Kwale County
Name: Bridget Wambua
Contact: cdirkwale@tsc.go.ke
21. Laikipia County
Name: Yussuf Karayu
Contact: cdirlaikipia@tsc.go.ke
22. Lamu County
Name: William M’mbirich
Contact: cdirlamu@tsc.go.ke
23. Machakos County
Name: Samwel Boto
Contact: cdirmachakos@tsc.go.ke
24. Makueni County
Name: Jane Njogu
Contact: çdirmakueni@tsc.go.ke
25. Mandera County
Name: Abdi Maalim
Contact: cdirmandera@tsc.go.ke
26. Marsabit County
Name: Milton Nzioka
Contact: cdirmarsabit@tsc.go.ke
27. Meru County
Name: Dr. Salome Maina
Contact: cdirmeru@tsc.go.ke
28. Migori County
Name: Luka Chebet
Contact: cdirmigori@tsc.go.ke
29. Mombasa County
Name: James Kariuki kauru
Contact: cdirmombasa@tsc.go.ke
30. murang’a County
Name: Charles Khayira
Contact: cdirmurang’a@tsc.go.ke
31. Nairobi County
Name: John Ololtuaal
Contact: cdirnairobi@tsc.go.ke
32. Nakuru County
Name: Isaac Atebe
Contact: cdirnakuru@tsc.go.ke
33. Nandi County
Name: L K Karuntimi
Contact: cdirnandi@tsc.go.ke
34. Narok County
Name: James Nyaga
Contact: cdirnarok@tsc.go.ke
35. Nyamira County
Name: Koros
Contact: cdirnyamira@tsc.go.ke
36. Nyandarua County
Name: Hellen Ochwando
Contact: cdirnyandarua@tsc.go.ke
37. Nyeri County
Name: Salesa Adano
Contact: cdirnyeri@tsc.go.ke
38. Samburu County
Name: Zachary Mutwiri
Contact: cdirsamburu@tsc.go.ke
39. Siaya County County
Name: Japheth Masibo
Contact: cdirsiaya@tsc.go.ke
40. Taita Taveta County
Name: Philip Wambua
Contact: cdirtaitataveta@tsc.go.ke
41. Tana River County
Name: Stanley Mbaka
Contact: cdirtanariver@tsc.go.ke
42. Tharaka Nithi County
Name: Anne Kiilu
Contact: cdirtharakanithi@tsc.go.ke
43. Trans Nzoia County
Name: Dickson Ogonya
Contact: cdirtransnzoia@tsc.go.ke
44. Turkana County
Name: Pius Ngoma
Contact: cdirturkana@tsc.go.ke
45. Uasin Gishu County
Name: Nicodemus Anyang
Contact: cdiruasingishu@tsc.go.ke
46. Vihiga County
Name: Victor Mulili
Contact: cdirvihiga@tsc.go.ke
47. Wajir County
Name: Addan Hussein Osman
Contact: cdirwajir@tsc.go.ke
48. West Pokot County
Name: Jared Otieno Osure
Contact: cdiwestpokot@tsc.go.ke
Duties and Roles of TSC County Directors
Unlocking the Role of TSC County Directors: A Comprehensive Guide
In the intricate web of education management, the role of Teachers Service Commission (TSC) County Directors stands as a pivotal force ensuring the seamless functioning of the teaching profession.
Let’s delve into the duties, responsibilities, and the crucial impact these directors wield within their respective counties.
1. Teacher Registration Facilitation
At the forefront, TSC County Directors play a crucial role in facilitating the teacher registration process.
They are instrumental in enforcing the stringent requirements set for teacher registration, ensuring that only qualified educators enter the profession.
2. Streamlining Teacher Recruitment
Coordinating teacher recruitment within the county is a paramount responsibility.
TSC County Directors meticulously adhere to the Commission’s recruitment guidelines, ensuring a standardized and fair selection process that brings the best educators into the fold.
3. Data Management Mastery
Efficient data management is a cornerstone of a director’s duties.
They maintain a comprehensive database of registered teachers, including those currently unemployed within the county.
This database serves as a valuable resource for informed decision-making.
4. Teacher Management Wizardry
TSC County Directors navigate the complex terrain of teacher management within the county.
This involves overseeing recruitment, transfers, postings, study leave recommendations, and handling disciplinary matters in alignment with Commission directives.
Identifying and recommending teachers for administrative positions is also a key facet of their role.
5. Implementation of Commission Guidelines
Staying aligned with the dynamic nature of education policies, TSC County Directors implement guidelines issued by the Commission.
This ensures uniformity and adherence to standards in all educational matters within the county.
6. Administrative Post Database Maintenance
Beyond teacher-focused responsibilities, directors maintain a comprehensive database for all administrative posts within the county.
This organized approach enhances transparency and expedites decision-making processes.
7. Promotion Coordination
TSC County Directors actively coordinate teacher promotions under the common cadre establishment within the county.
This involves a meticulous process to recognize and reward excellence in the teaching profession.
8. Teacher Professional Development Advocacy
Fostering continuous improvement, directors play a pivotal role in coordinating the identification and selection of candidates for Teacher Professional Development Courses (TPDC) within the county.
This ensures that educators are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.
9. Standard Adherence Oversight
Ensuring that teachers comply with the prescribed teaching standards is a critical responsibility. TSC County Directors act as custodians of quality in education, upholding the standards set by the Commission.
10. Performance Management Mastery
Monitoring the conduct and performance of teachers at the county level is a continuous process.
Directors oversee performance appraisals, submitting reports related to teacher performance as required by the Commission.
11. Communication Enhancement Strategies
Establishing effective communication mechanisms is vital.
TSC County Directors proactively set up systems to enhance communication and service delivery within the county, fostering a collaborative educational environment.
12. Advisory Role to County Governments
TSC County Directors serve as advisors to respective county governments on matters related to the teaching profession.
Their expertise contributes to informed decision-making at the local level.
13. Dynamic Responsiveness
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, TSC County Directors stand ready to perform any duty assigned by the Commission.
Their adaptability ensures that educational policies and practices stay current and effective.
14. Collaboration for Resource Mobilization
Liaising with the Commission Secretary and other stakeholders, TSC County Directors actively participate in resource mobilization efforts.
This collaboration ensures that the necessary resources are available to support the teaching profession.
15. Accountability to the Commission
Crucially, in discharging their multifaceted functions, TSC County Directors remain answerable to and work under the direction of the Commission Secretary.
This hierarchical structure ensures a streamlined and cohesive approach to educational management.
In conclusion, the role of TSC County Directors is dynamic and multifaceted.
From teacher recruitment to resource mobilization, they are the unsung heroes ensuring the wheels of education turn smoothly within their respective counties.
FAQs on TSC directors
1. What is the role of TSC County Directors?
TSC County Directors play a crucial role in the management of the teaching profession within their respective counties.
They facilitate teacher registration, streamline teacher recruitment, manage teacher data, oversee teacher management including transfers and postings, implement Commission guidelines, maintain administrative post databases, coordinate teacher promotions, advocate for teacher professional development, ensure standard adherence, oversee performance management, enhance communication strategies, advise county governments, remain dynamically responsive, collaborate for resource mobilization, and remain accountable to the Commission.
2. How can I contact the TSC County Director in my county?
You can find the contact information for all 47 TSC County Directors on our website.
Each director is listed along with their email address and phone number for your convenience.
If you need assistance as a teacher, it’s recommended to contact the respective TSC County Director for guidance and support.
3. What should I do if I need help as a teacher?
If you need assistance as a teacher, it may be helpful to contact the TSC County Director in your county.
They can provide guidance and support on various matters related to the teaching profession, including registration, recruitment, professional development, and performance management.
4. How often does the TSC update the roster of County Directors?
The TSC updates the roster of County Directors periodically as changes occur.
It’s advisable to check the TSC website or contact the TSC headquarters for the most up-to-date information on County Directors in each county.
5. Are TSC County Directors responsible for teacher disciplinary matters?
Yes, TSC County Directors are responsible for handling teacher disciplinary matters within their respective counties.
They ensure that disciplinary actions are taken in accordance with Commission directives and guidelines.
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Mr. Weldon Kosgei, a dedicated educator with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya, brings years of experience and a deep love for education to his role at TSCNewsToday.co.ke. He provides insightful and timely updates on TSC policies, educational trends, and best practices, making his articles valuable resources for educators and administrators. Mr. Kosgei’s commitment to enhancing education shines through in his writing, connecting and inspiring the teaching community across Kenya.