How Many Directorates Are In TSC? [What To Know]

tsc directorates
tsc directorates

The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) plays a crucial role in overseeing the human resources in Kenya’s education sector.

Under the leadership of the commission secretary/CEO, the TSC is organized into several directorates, each headed by a deputy commission secretary.

As per commission circular No. 16/2018, there are three main directorates within the TSC:

#1. Finance and Administrative Directorate

This directorate is responsible for financial management and general administration within the TSC.

 It ensures proper allocation of resources and oversees administrative functions to support the commission’s operations.

The directorate is further divided into:

  1. Finance and accounts division
  2. General administrative division

#2. Teacher Management Directorate

This directorate focuses on the management of teachers within the TSC.

It handles various aspects of teacher recruitment, deployment, promotion, and discipline. The directorate includes the following divisions:

  1. Staffing division
  2. Quality assurance and standards & teacher registration
  3. Field services division

#3. Human Resource Management and Development Directorate

This directorate deals with human resource matters concerning teachers.

It is responsible for managing the development and welfare of teachers within the TSC. The directorate comprises:

  1. Human resource management division
  2. Human resource development section
  3. Pension section

Specialized Units

Additionally, there are specialized units within the TSC that report directly to the commission secretary.

These units are not under any specific directorate but play crucial roles in supporting the TSC’s functions. They include:

  • Information communication and technology
  • Legal services division
  • Internal audit division
  • Corporate communication section
  • Policy planning research & innovation section
  • Supply chain management section

The organizational structure of the TSC, as outlined above, ensures effective management of human resources in Kenya’s education sector.

Each directorate and specialized unit plays a specific role in fulfilling the TSC’s mandate.

Functions and Roles of TSC

The TSC is mandated to register, recruit, employ, deploy, promote, transfer, and deal with disciplinary issues for registered teachers in Kenya.

The commission’s functions, as highlighted in the Kenya Constitution 2010 and the TSC Act of 2012, include:

  1. Registering trained teachers.
  2. Recruiting and employing registered teachers.
  3. Assigning teachers employed by the Commission for service in any public school or institution.
  4. Promoting and transferring teachers.
  5. Exercising disciplinary control over teachers.
  6. Terminating the employment of teachers.
  7. Formulating policies to achieve its mandate.
  8. Providing strategic direction, leadership, and oversight to the secretariat.
  9. Ensuring that teachers comply with the teaching standards prescribed by the Commission.
  10. Managing the payroll of teachers in its employment.
  11. Facilitating career progression and professional development for teachers.
  12. Monitoring the conduct and performance of teachers.

Organizational Structure (Organogram) of TSC

The TSC is overseen by commissioners appointed by the President and vetted by parliament.

The commission is made up of a chairperson and 8 members.

The secretariat, headed by the commission secretary or CEO, implements the decisions made by the commission.

Roles of TSC in Curriculum Development

TSC plays a crucial role in curriculum development and implementation.

The success of curriculum implementation depends on the capacity of teachers, who are managed by the TSC.

With the new Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) being implemented, the TSC should ensure that teachers are well-equipped to handle it.

The TSC collaborates with other stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Education, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), teacher training institutions, and universities, to achieve national education goals.

Requirements for TSC Registration as a Teacher in Kenya

Before practicing teaching in Kenya, all teachers must be registered with the TSC.

Each registered teacher is issued a unique TSC number and a certificate.

Registration is done online through the TSC portal, and no paper applications are accepted.

In conclusion, the TSC plays a pivotal role in managing teachers and ensuring the quality of education in Kenya. Its organizational structure and functions are aimed at providing effective human resource management in the education sector.

FAQs on TSC Directorates

1. How many directorates are there in the TSC?

As per commission circular No. 16/2018, there are three main directorates within the TSC:

  • Finance and Administrative Directorate
  • Teacher Management Directorate
  • Human Resource Management and Development Directorate

2. What are the functions of the TSC?

The TSC is responsible for registering, recruiting, employing, deploying, promoting, transferring, and dealing with disciplinary issues for registered teachers in Kenya.

 It also formulates policies, provides strategic direction, manages teacher payroll, facilitates career progression and professional development, and monitors teacher conduct and performance.

3. How does one register as a teacher with the TSC?

To register as a teacher with the TSC, one must apply online through the TSC portal. Paper applications are not accepted.

Upon registration, each teacher is issued a unique TSC number and a certificate.

4. What is the role of the TSC in curriculum development?

The TSC plays a crucial role in curriculum development and implementation.

It ensures that teachers are equipped to handle the curriculum, collaborates with other stakeholders to achieve national education goals, and works to prepare teachers for curriculum changes such as the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

5. How is the TSC structured?

The TSC is overseen by commissioners appointed by the President and vetted by parliament.

The commission is made up of a chairperson and 8 members.

The secretariat, headed by the commission secretary or CEO, implements the decisions made by the commission.

6. What are the specialized units within the TSC?

Specialized units within the TSC include:

  • Information communication and technology
  • Legal services division
  • Internal audit division
  • Corporate communication section
  • Policy planning research & innovation section
  • Supply chain management section

7. What are the additional functions of the TSC as per the TSC Act of 2012?

The TSC Act of 2012 provides additional functions for the TSC, including formulating policies, providing strategic direction, managing teacher payroll, facilitating career progression and professional development, and monitoring teacher conduct and performance.

8. How long is the term of TSC commissioners?

TSC commissioners are appointed for a 6-year term that is not renewable.

9. What is the role of the TSC in teacher recruitment and deployment?

The TSC is responsible for recruiting and deploying registered teachers to public schools or institutions.

It ensures that teachers are assigned to appropriate positions and provides support for their professional development.

10. How does the TSC ensure teacher compliance with teaching standards?

The TSC ensures teacher compliance with teaching standards by monitoring their conduct and performance, providing support for professional development, and implementing disciplinary measures when necessary.

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