TSC job grade C4 teacher covers the following educators:
- Senior Lecturer IV- Kenya Institute Of Special Education (KISE)
- Senior Master IV -Secondary
- SNE Senior Teacher – Primary
- SNE Teacher I – Secondary
- Deputy Head teacher II
This is a promotional grade for institutional administrators in primary schools.
The Deputy Head Teacher II will report to the Head Teacher.
He/she will be required to have knowledge on the development and implementation of the curriculum, education policies and programmes.
Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to availability of vacancies in the establishment.
- To qualify for appointment to the grade of Deputy Head Teacher II, a teacher must:-
- have served as Senior Teacher I T- Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal;
- have successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules;
- have a valid Teaching Certificate;
- have demonstrated ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support to other teachers;
- meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution; and
- meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.
Senior Master IV -Secondary
This is a promotional and an entry grade for institutional administrators in secondary schools.
A teacher appointed to this grade is expected to provide professional support, mentorship, guidance and counselling to the teachers in the school.
Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to availability of vacancies in the establishment.
To qualify for appointment to the grade of Senior Master IV, a teacher must:-
- have served as Secondary Teacher I T-Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- have obtained a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process;
- have successfully undertaken the relevant (TPD) modules;
- have a valid Teaching Certificate;
- meet the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution; and
- meet any other requirements deemed necessary by the Commission.
This is an entry and promotional grade for Lecturers at KISE.
The Lecturer is responsible for the development and implementation of education plans, policies, programs and curriculum activities.
Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to availability of vacancies in the establishment.
For appointment to this grade a teacher must:-
- have served for a minimum period of three (3) years as Secondary Teacher I T- Scale 8;
- ii. have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education
- have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process;
- have successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules;
- have a valid Teaching Certificate;
- meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and
- meet any other requirement deemed necessary by the Commission.
The Duties of a Lecturer at this level shall be to:-
- prepare lesson plans, lesson notes, timetables, schemes of work and maintain academic standards in the institution to ensure that the syllabus is covered in time for evaluation;
- teach the subjects of specialization to prepare and impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to the student to meet the objective of the curriculum;
- evaluate the students on subjects of specialization to ensure achievement of learning objectives and prepare students for national and other examinations;
- conduct functional and educational assessment for children with special needs and disabilities for placement and other intervention measures;
- ensure safety, health and security of learners;
- provide outreach services on disability related issues;
- prepare, guide and assess learners on attachment and teaching practice;
- supervise and mark students research;
- participate in curriculum development;
- conduct research in special needs education and inclusive education;
- provide consultancy and expertise in special needs and inclusive education;
- conduct in service training and short courses;
- habilitate and rehabilitate persons with disability;
- develop training materials in special needs education;
- teach learners in special needs education to impart knowledge;
- set, administer, supervise and mark exams; and
- any other duty as may be assigned.
SNE Senior Teacher – Primary
This is a promotional and entry grade to administrative cadre for SNE teachers in primary schools.
A teacher at this grade is expected to provide leadership in the development and implementation of education plans, policies, programs and curriculum activities in the school.
He /She will also be responsible for the professional development of the teaching staff.
Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to availability of vacancies in the establishment.
For appointment to this grade a teacher must:-
- have served as Primary Teacher I (SNE) T- Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- have a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) minimum mean
- Grade C plain or other recognized equivalent qualifications;
- have Primary Teacher Certificate (PTE) or its approved equivalent;
- have obtained diploma in Special Needs Education or its equivalent;
- have successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules;
- have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process;
- meet the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution; and
- any other requirement necessary by the Commission.
This is a promotional grade for Secondary School SNE Teachers.
A teacher appointed to this grade is expected to provide professional support, mentorship, guidance and counselling to the teachers in the school.
Promotion to this grade will be competitive and subject to availability of vacancies in the establishment.
To qualify for appointment to this grade, a teacher must:-
- have served as Secondary Teacher II (SNE) T-Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- have obtained a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process;
- have successfully undertaken the relevant (TPD) modules;
- have a valid Teaching Certificate;
- meet the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution; and
- meet any other requirements deemed necessary by the Commission.
The duties of a teacher at this level shall be to:-
- prepare lesson plans, lesson notes, timetables, schemes of work and maintain academic standards in the school to ensure that the syllabus is covered in time for evaluation;
- teach the subjects of specialization to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to learners;
- evaluate learners on subjects of specialisation and prepare them for national and other examinations;
- introduce new ideas and programmes to ensure improvement in teaching and learning in the subjects of specialisation;
- embrace teamwork through collaborative planning and teaching to ensure consistency and improvement in curriculum delivery;
- serve as a role model and maintain learner discipline;
- provide guidance and counselling services to learners and instil norms and values for harmonious co-existence;
- participate in workshops/seminars/symposiums so as to share ideas and enhance knowledge in subject areas;
- ensure safety and health of learners;
- organize remedial actions to support learners with performance gaps;
- engage learners in curricular and co-curricular activities so as to identify, nurture and develop talents; and
- any other duty as may be assigned.
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Mr. Weldon Kosgei, a dedicated educator with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya, brings years of experience and a deep love for education to his role at TSCNewsToday.co.ke. He provides insightful and timely updates on TSC policies, educational trends, and best practices, making his articles valuable resources for educators and administrators. Mr. Kosgei’s commitment to enhancing education shines through in his writing, connecting and inspiring the teaching community across Kenya.