Current TSC TPAD Checklist: Essential Documents for Teachers

Current TSC TPAD Checklist
Current TSC TPAD Checklist

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has introduced a new checklist of professional documents that teachers must maintain.

These documents are crucial for compliance and may impact disciplinary actions by the TSC if not upheld.

Compliance with Performance Standards

All teachers are required to adhere to performance standards and maintain professional documents and records.

These documents aid in curriculum delivery and are essential for teacher appraisal assessments conducted by supervisors.

Key Documents for Teachers

The following list outlines the professional documents that teachers must prepare, update, and maintain at all times:

  1. Current Personal Timetable/Training Schedule

This document provides an overview of the teacher’s schedule and training commitments.

  1. Syllabi/Course Outline/Curriculum Design

These documents outline the curriculum and learning objectives for the subjects or courses taught by the teacher.

  1. Approved Schemes of Work/Work Plans

These documents detail the teacher’s planned activities and lessons for a specific period.

  1. Updated Lesson Plans/Facilitators Guide

These documents outline the specific activities and materials used in each lesson.

  1. Updated Lesson Notes/Presentation Notes

These notes provide a record of what was covered in each lesson and any additional information or resources used.

  1. Records of Work/Sessions/Activities Checked Weekly

These records document the teacher’s weekly activities and the progress of learners.

  1. Examination Analysis by Subject (National and Internal)/Assessment Records/Staff Training Indices Records

These records provide an overview of the teacher’s assessment methods and the performance of learners.

  1. Marked/Checked Learners’ Work Exercise Books/Training Reports/Back to Office Reports

These records show the teacher’s feedback and evaluation of learners’ work.

  1. Co-curricular/Team Building Activity Records

These records document the teacher’s involvement in extracurricular and team-building activities.

  1. Learners’/Trainees’ Conduct and Behaviour Records and Guidance and Counseling Records

These records document the teacher’s interactions and interventions regarding learners’ behavior and guidance.

  1. Copies of Subject/Programmes/Departmental Meeting Minutes

These documents provide a record of the teacher’s participation in meetings related to their subject, program, or department.

  1. Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development Records

These records document the teacher’s performance evaluations and development plans.

  1. Individualized Educational Programmes (IEP) Records

These records document the teacher’s involvement in developing and implementing individualized educational programs for learners.

  1. Professional Development Activities

These records document the teacher’s participation in professional development activities and training.

  1. Lesson Observation Records

These records document observations of the teacher’s lessons by supervisors or peers.

  1. Records of Community and Stakeholders Involvement

These records document the teacher’s engagement with the community and stakeholders.

  1. Evidence of Integration of ICT in Teaching/Learning

These records provide evidence of the teacher’s use of technology in teaching and learning.

  1. Preparation of Teaching Aids Using Locally Available Resource Materials

 These records document the teacher’s preparation and use of teaching aids using locally available resources.


Maintaining these professional documents is essential for all teachers to ensure compliance with TSC standards and to facilitate effective teaching and learning.

Failure to maintain these documents may result in disciplinary action by the TSC.

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