Can One Resign from TSC? [What To Know]

can one resign from TSC
can one resign from TSC

What Happens When You Resign from TSC? All You Need To Know

If you’re a teacher on permanent and pensionable terms with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and you’re considering resigning, there are important things you should know about the process.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate resigning from TSC.

Resignation Process

  • Notice Period:

You can resign from TSC by giving three months’ notice in writing.

Alternatively, you can pay one month’s basic salary in lieu of notice.

  • Pension Benefits:

Resignation does not attract any pension benefits. However, male teachers who resign or are dismissed from service are entitled to a WCPS refund.

To claim the refund, such teachers should write to the commission.

  • Married Female Teachers:

A married female teacher who has served for a minimum of five years on permanent and pensionable terms can resign on account of marriage.

  • Marriage Gratuity:

Upon resigning on marriage grounds, a teacher is entitled to a marriage gratuity paid at a rate of 1/12 of a month’s pensionable emoluments for each completed month of pensionable service, subject to a maximum of one year’s pensionable emoluments.

TSC Teacher Exit Methods

The TSC recognizes various methods through which a teacher can exit from service, including:

  1. Voluntary Retirement:

Teachers can voluntarily retire upon attaining 50 years and completing 10 years of continuous service on permanent and pensionable terms.

  1. Retirement on Medical Grounds:

Teachers can apply to retire or exit on medical grounds, provided they attach supportive medical documents.

Those exiting service under this circumstance qualify for lump sum and monthly pension.

  1. Resignation:

Permanent and pensionable teachers can resign from service by giving three months’ notice in writing.

This type of resignation does not attract any pension benefits.

  1. Resignation on Marriage Grounds:

Married female teachers who have served for a minimum of five years under permanent and pensionable terms can resign on account of marriage.

They are entitled to a marriage gratuity.

  1. Termination of Service:

Teachers serving on temporary or probationary terms may have their service terminated by either the Commission or the teacher.

Male teachers who were contributors to WCPS qualify for a refund of the amounts contributed upon termination.

  1. Death Gratuity:

This applies to teachers removed from service due to death.

Dependents of a teacher are entitled to Death Gratuity, and Dependants Pension is given if the teacher was serving on permanent and pensionable terms.

  1. Release to Other Organizations:

Teachers may be released to other organizations, such as public institutions, teachers’ unions, non-profit making educational institutions, or parastatals.

  1. Transfer of Service:

Teachers who secure opportunities at the Public Service Commission may have their service transferred to the new ministry.

  1. Compulsory Retirement:

Teachers who have attained 60 years are compulsorily retired, normally two years before the date of retirement.


If you’re considering resigning from TSC, it’s important to understand the process and the implications for your pension and other benefits.

Make sure to adhere to the notice period and consider seeking advice from relevant authorities to ensure a smooth transition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Resigning From TSC

1. Can I resign from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)?

Yes, you can resign from TSC by giving three months’ notice in writing or paying one month’s basic salary in lieu of notice.

However, resigning will not attract any pension benefits.

2. What are the requirements for resigning on marriage grounds?

To resign on marriage grounds, you must be a married female teacher who has served for a minimum of five years on permanent and pensionable terms.

3. Are there any benefits for resigning on marriage grounds?

Yes, upon resigning on marriage grounds, you are entitled to a marriage gratuity paid at a rate of 1/12 of a month’s pensionable emoluments for each completed month of pensionable service, subject to a maximum of one year’s pensionable emoluments.

4. Can male teachers who resign or are dismissed from service claim any benefits?

Yes, male teachers who resign or are dismissed from service are entitled to a WCPS refund.

They should write to the commission to claim the refund.

5. What is the process for voluntary retirement?

Teachers can voluntarily retire upon attaining 50 years and completing 10 years of continuous service on permanent and pensionable terms.

6. How can I retire on medical grounds?

To retire on medical grounds, you need to apply to TSC and attach supportive medical documents.

 Those retiring under this circumstance qualify for lump sum and monthly pension.

7. Is there a process for termination of service?

Yes, teachers serving on temporary or probationary terms may have their service terminated by either the Commission or the teacher.

Male teachers who were contributors to WCPS qualify for a refund of the amounts contributed upon termination.

8. What happens if a teacher passes away?

If a teacher passes away, dependents are entitled to Death Gratuity, and Dependants Pension is given if the teacher was serving on permanent and pensionable terms.

9. Can teachers be released to other organizations?

Yes, teachers may be released to other organizations, such as public institutions, teachers’ unions, non-profit making educational institutions, or parastatals.

10. What is the retirement age for teachers?

Teachers who have attained 60 years are compulsorily retired. Normally teachers receive a letter notifying them of the retirement two years before the date of retirement.

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